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– Sherbrooke daily record, samedi 12 octobre | BAnQ numérique
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Sherbrooke, Que. Aller directement au contenu. Aller directement au menu principal. Sherbrooke daily jobs usa gov federal jobs hiring immediately now hiring nowinstock 3070 samedi 12 octobre Look who’s talking. Outlook for Sunday; Some cloudiness; a littlo w armer. Alcide Jacquej, Vincent de Paul Hospital yesterday following a 5 p.
Jacques was the driver of a light car that was in a head-on collision with a large truck. Three other persons were injured.? North Hatley police report no injuries.? Sherbrooke plant’s employees, following the contesting of 94 of the ballots cast.
The company said that the Quebec labor relations board has been asked to handle the case of the 67 union-contested ballots and the 27 contested by the company. The fire at the Bali Brothers garage »n King ion.? Albert lilfili! Army convoy held up jobs usa gov federal jobs nearest tenth resultant the Russians in East Germany for more than two days finally rolled into West Berlin today.
The U. Walter Ciszek, 58, of Shenandoah, Pa. Roman Cath olic Jesuit priest arrested for’ espionage inand Marvin W. M a k i n e n, 24, Fulbright scholar from Ashburnham, Mass.? Informants said Mr. CP wirepholo Libera! Record photo by- Doug Gerrish October 18, 1ft and This has been apparent at election time vvilh completely different orgam zations handling Ihe campaigns The open split may develop as a result of a resolution lo be presented for the Quebec City convention next weekend proposing that the Federation divorce itself from fed oral affairs and confine its activities to provincial polities.
Actually it is considered tin likely that the resolution will be approved by the two thousand or more delegates but it is probable that it will intensify the читать полностью al ready apparent.
One reason advanced for a separation between the federal and provincial parties is that the base for membership in the Federation would he widened. Under its existing constitution, membership in Ihe Federation is limited lo supporters of the party in both the по этой ссылке and provincial fields.
Federal Liberals are likrly to oppose any separation for one obvious reason. Despite t h e veiled friction between the two groups this has proved invaluable to the federal l. His eouiurys first constitutionally elected president in 32 years. Castellanos came lo Ihe ILS for postgraduate work in jobs usa gov federal jobs hiring immediately now hiring nowinstock 3070.
Go lo the moon. Bui do not come home. Castellanos volunteered his services to Medico, he medical arm of CARE, which staffs hospitals in almosi every underdeveloped and troubled spot in the world. Castellanos reports. But al ways within earshot. IsUlive structures of the pro.
Another topic lo be debated is Ihe abolition or reform ot ihe Legislative Council, Ihe only appointive provincial upper house in Canada. Some feel the Council should lie abolished, while other- believe it could serve a useful consultative role hut I hat il should he reformed lo bring il in line with administration thinking.
All programs are subject lo change without notice and you may have to unlearn everything new you learn, subtitut ing for it something newer, This has happened half a dozen times on big issues in the last fortnight. Then the President spoke at the United Nations and surprised everyone in his administration by saying that the United Stales and Russia should co-operate in space to save money.
But today deals are cooking to sell surplus wheat not only to Russia but also to the satellites and maybe even Red China. Even Congress jobs usa gov federal jobs hiring immediately now hiring nowinstock 3070 lo be going along on this. S forces in Europe jobs usa gov federal jobs hiring immediately now hiring nowinstock 3070 Russia was being so friondy they wouldn’t be needed.
Bui af ter Ihe Iasi White House con-feronce with congressional leaders, they announced that civil nglils should come first and hat if Congress couldn’l pass a lax eut Ihis year, it would have a running slart on nexl year. Officials here call it the war in South Vietnam.
They mean the battle between the American civilians authorities in Saigon and their allies, the doubtful Diem regime: нажмите чтобы прочитать больше the Amen ran military and he American civilians; and between the American counter intelligence agency and the military and the civilians.
Kennedy had been getting wildly differing versions. The civilians, and mosl of the newsmen who had squeezed reports through or around the censors, said it was not, What the CIA, the official spy organization, said has not been revealed. But according lo reports here, the other American authorities in Saigon hale and fear the CIA even more than the unpopular South Vietnamese rulers or the Communists.
They appear in he guise of public relations of Deers, military men, business men. There are about fiOO of them. Their job is to collect informal ion and pass il on to other U. S agencies but apparently they keep il to themselves and use it for the CIA’s own dubious purposes.
Affairs in South Vietnam, one of the last bastions of alleged freedom in Indo-China, trundled along only moderately badly until August, when the commando troops of Colonel Le Quang Tung began raiding Buddhist Pa godas, arresting and shooting down priests. Tire U. American second lieutenants, congressmen demanded that aid he suspended. But it. So the belling is about even that the new provisional government will soon he hack on the dole, if a proposed Senate investigation doesn’t stop it.
These arc only a few of many examples. The whole situation adds up to irrevocable, iron clad policy with a built-in, two-way stretch lo give it flexibility. Successful protest march settled nothing ‘ Doctors and missionaries at Port Renfrew, B. Gibbs says he can remember when the B. The warm and rosy glow of. It was a success. There was no violence. It had been shown that peaceful protest was possible. But the march settled nothing. There have j been protests against housing j restrictions, against job discrimination.
The general expectation is that there will be more in the months ahead. And they will probably get worse. The peaceful march on Aug. That horror may have had more effect on the course of civil rights reform in America than the original march for jobs and freedom.
The march has been unjustly cited by a few observers as the inspiration for the Birmingham disaster. The more Birminghams there are, the greater the likelihood of violent reaction. There has been talk of boycotts.
Sports Townships. The north has come in for its share of the blame, from ex-President Harry Truman and from Student Nonviolent Co-ordinating Committee, accusing northern employers of southern labor. There has been good mixed with the bad. Leaders in the southern communities where desegregated schools opened this September have won praise from President Читать больше. There are long-range political controversies ahead.
An all-Negro slate of candidates has been entered in an Нажмите чтобы узнать больше County, N. The big drive for will he to increase voting jobs usa gov federal jobs hiring immediately now hiring nowinstock 3070. At the close of the evening, refreshments were served, with Mrs.
Coty in charge of the kitchen committee. The hall had been attractively decorated by Mrs, G. Taylor ami Mrs. Iluckev Hi Lawrence Wrlk » p. Hi Juliette p m. Kdltlon 12 National New a p. Stanley Cromwell and Mr. Friends of Mr. It was jobs usa gov federal jobs hiring immediately now hiring nowinstock 3070 Dial inalerial would be purchased to make plastic shower caps. A report was given on the re ception held for the Rl. Kenneth Maguire, following the confirmation service, Sept.
A sympathy card was sent to! Ritchie and Mrs.! Novak p. H Shoestring Theatre 12 Thrillers a.