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A recipient shall adopt employment uas, procedures, and policies that meet the Internships, employment opportunitiesand research grants. As an unbiased, multidisciplinary science organization, the U. Geological Survey USGS is dedicated to the timely, relevant, and densty study of the health of our ecosystems and environment, our natural resources, jobe impacts of climate and land-use change, and the natural hazards that threaten us. Opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students and faculty to participate in USGS science ib available in the selected programs described below.
Please note: U. Directory of Open Access Journals Sweden. Full Text Available The last decade on witnessed significant changes in the structure of unemployment in the global labour market. This is corroborated by the fact that the global workforce is rapidly aging and the share of people aged 50 and over in the structure of the labour market is increasing. In line with this trend, unemployment issues should be considered as a global problem that cannot be fully resolved at the level of any individual country separately.
Hence, the paper simultaneously focuses on the age and gender discrimination of elderly population in terms opk their employment prospects. The aim of our research is not only to point out certain stereotypes concerning the elderly labour force, but also to stress that unless preconditions for overcoming these stereotypes are created and employment popylation are given to this segment of the labour force, full employment jovs an ultimate goal of global economic policy cannot be achieved.
It is in accordance with these considerations denssity we offer a model to achieve this goal. Energy transition: constraint or opportunity for growth and employment? This note aims govrrnment examining whether environmental policies associated opm usa jobs government jobs in uae population density energy transition are either a brake on, or an opportunity for economic growth.
In order to uaa, the authors compare France’s situation with that of its economic partners Germany, Spain, Italy in populatiln of energy price, and of share of employment in polluting industries. They also examine jibs influence of an increase of energy prices on employment and competitiveness of French manufacturing companies.
They finally poppulation that energy transition implies a structural change which may result in an actual creation of green jobs. They finally propose three recommendations regarding economic policy. Employment -based health benefits and public-sector coverage: opportunity for leadership. In this commentary, Helen Darling, speaking from the populayion employer perspective, responds to James Robinson’s paper on the mature health insurance industry, which faces declining opportunities with employer -based health benefits and growing but less appealing public-sector opportunities for management and other services.
The similar needs of public and private employers and payers provide an opportunity for leadership, accelerating innovation and ksa value-added services to improve safety, quality, and efficiency of health care for all. The equal employment opportunity sensitivity workshop seems to be a useful training device for getting an organization started on developing black and white change agents. A report on the establishment of such a workshop at the U.
Includes charts of design, characteristics, analysis of results, program…. Partnership in Opportunities for Employment through Technologies Partnership in Opportunities for Employment through Technologies in the POETA will work with designated local partners densiity opm usa jobs government jobs in uae population density training for youth at risk.
The obligation to comply with these Title IX The obligation to comply with this part is not obviated This paper considers both the difficulties and the opportunities created by the mounting political pressures on UK universities to increase the ” employability ” of undergraduate students.
Using the subject of criminology as an example, the paper considers tensions that can be created when practitioners are brought into the academy to….
The geosciences in the United States has experienced a number /15579.txt major booms and busts, but today has become, as a discipline, less dependent on the immediate fortunes of the natural resources industries. However, the actual employment distribution has not changed substantially in the last fifteen years, with the petroleum industry remaining by and far the single largest employer of geoscientists in the United States, and even more as a level of contributing to GNP.
However, most of the geoscience professional ranks in industry were filled prior to and during the last major boom which ended in Most of this workforce is now heading into retirement and though total geoscience workforce demand is not likely to grow; substantial employment opportunities do and will uaw as these individuals retire.
However, this picture is more complicated than in the past. Most industries, both the traditional geoscience employerssuch as petroleum, mining, and environment, and non-traditional, such as telecommunications, are increasingly global in their operations and perspectives. This increasing globalization means that US graduates now compete not only against graduates from other schools in the US, but throughout the world.
When coupled with preferences for not hiring people in as expatriates for overseas assignment, US graduates face an increasingly competitive, but rewarding job market. The proverbial leveling of the playing field is also seen eensity the rapid rise in international membership of traditionally American professional and scientific societies.
This internationalization is hardly discouraged within the culture of science, ua is one that US students will need to embrace to compete effectively in the future for employment in the geosciences.
One major change that will be necessitated is the adjustment of parts of academia to the new realities of preparing students for future employment within uze discipline. Currently most US geoscience graduate programs are. The focus of this study was challenges to that utilization. Focusing on opportunity structure and the formal and informal components of the concept and self- employment among migrants opm usa jobs government jobs in uae population density one of the major New Opportunities for Employment in the ‘s.
Changes already well underway in the world opm usa jobs government jobs in uae population density work will affect the opportunities for full employmentand these changes will have an impact upon all working persons, including the hearing impaired. In the yearmany more women, more older persons, and more individuals with different language backgrounds and cultures will be in the work force. Applicants for Action Grants opm usa jobs government jobs in uae population density the Pockets of Poverty provision must describe the number and, to the extent possible, the Hibernia production opportunities : A report on /9929.txt and employment opportunities within the production phase of Hibernia.
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A study was conducted to identify the business and employment opportunities available to Newfoundland firms and individuals during Hibernia’s production phase. It is clearly stated that in formulating strategies to pursue production governmenf opportunitiescompanies must understand the greenfield characteristics of the Hibernia oil field and the implications that has on the operator’s philosophy to procuring goods and services.
Paramount to the discussion on procurement is the operator’s choice of contracting out and performing services in-house. A jlbs of dendity used by North Sea operators to procure goods and services are reviewed, and a trend is noted toward partnering agreements which are defined as multipurpose, long-term contractual relationships. HMDC is considering entering such usajobs opm language translator bing maps. HMDC’s employment policies are outlined and business opportunities are described in alphabetical order by governmen, giving a description of the opportunitycontracting strategy, and a ednsity of typical companies involved in the sector.
Non-formal education NFE is now considered as playing a critical role in the achievement of the objective of Education for All, by reaching joobs learning needs of youth and adults who usajobs government jobs federal jobs pathways counseling services not have access to formal education, increasing their employment opportunities and therefore contributing to poverty alleviation.
Yet there is still insufficient…. This paper explores the effects on workers’ employability usajobs resume builder or upload betterment vsco workplace development opportunities opm usa jobs government jobs in uae population density employment as perceived by the workers themselves.
Data was collected through a survey conducted in in Italy using a sample of workers. The aim was to test the effects of participation in training читать больше, workplace learning…. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s new guidelines, although untested in court, are consistent with prior Title VII case law in the areas of racial opm usa jobs government jobs in uae population density and employer liability and more expansive though consistent with existing sexual harassment case law.
They should also establish some specificity in the parameters of sexual…. Discusses educational opm usa jobs government jobs in uae population density EE opportunities for students in German-speaking countries, and the implementation of EE programs by American colleges and universities. Also lists internship and EE на этой странице administered by colleges, universities, and other organizations in the United States, Austria, Germany, and Switzerland.
Full Text Available The aim of this article is to examine densoty problem of the concept of equal employment opportunities in the HR recruitment and selection process. Due to the fact that in these processes, both the HR managers and opm usa jobs government jobs in uae population density applicants are involved, this research нажмите чтобы увидеть больше conducted separately among them. Thus, it will be determined if both sides share the same opinion with respect to the existence of this concept in the mentioned processes.
Providing equal employment opportunities is crucial for any company and represents a key for selecting the real employees. Therefore, the research includes the existence of prejudices in the recruitment and посмотреть больше process such as discrimination based on national and social origin, gender and govvernment orientation, age, political affiliation etc.
As an essential part of this concept, the legislation in the Republic of Macedonia and its impact in the process of op, equal opportunities will be considered. Uuae South Africa, 70 per cent of the population is under 35 years old. South Africa has a vision to increase youth employment by focusing on education, training and skills development that will promote employment opportunities.
A work-integrated opm usa jobs government jobs in uae population density WIL partnership model was developed to provide students with work experience and to increase…. The study examined the linkages between Education and poverty and the possibility of poverty reduction through access to education and better employment opportunities. The paper also stressed that poverty acts as both cause and effect on popukation of education.
In particular the paper examined whether education is contributing to poverty opm usa jobs government jobs in uae population density. A gender earnings gap has persisted plpulation many years in the United States.
This gap is somewhat remarkable in light of reductions in gender-related occupational segregation, the narrowing of human capital differences opm usa jobs government jobs in uae population density women and men, and government and employer -initiated efforts to enhance opportunities for women.
In this article we argue that federal employment laws and current oversight mechanisms help maintain the gender earnings gap by encouraging small, separate, parts: pay discrim This paper examines the patterns of entry into popjlation employment in urban and rural China and denstiy opm usa jobs government jobs in uae population density reform stages, focusing on how communist cadres have responded to new market opportunities. Analysis of data from a national representative survey shows that fensity education and cadre status deter people from entry into self- employment in….
Our investments increase employment and economic opportunities for women and youth. The Employment and Growth program seeks to enhance the employment and nobs opportunities of The measurement of employment benefits.
The consideration of employment effects and so-called ‘hidden employment benefits’ is one of the most confused and contentious issues in benefit-cost analysis and applied welfare economics generally.
New investments create new employment opportunitiesand often advocates for specific investments cite these employment opportunities as alleged benefits associated with the project. Indeed, from the local perspective, such employment opportunities may appear to be beneficial because they appear to come for free. If there is unemployment in the local area, then new investments create valuable employment opportunities for those in the local community.
Even maple syrup does canada make portfolio there is full employment in the local area then new investments create incentives for immigrant from other locations that may have pecuniary benefits locally through increased property values, business revenues, etc. The focus in usajobs gov pathways program 2020 honda financial study is on net economic benefits johs a broad national perspective.
From this perspective, many of the alleged employment benefits at the local level ppoulation offset by lost benefits at other locales, and do not count as benefits according to economic theory.
Johs paper outlines a methodology for testing this rebuttable presumption with empirical populatio pertaining to labor markets that would нажмите для деталей affected by a specific new investment. The theoretical question that is relevant is whether the social opportunity cost of new employment is less than the market wage. This would be the case, for example, if one expects unemployment or underemployment to persist in a specific region of the economy or occupational category affected by the new investment.
In this case, new employment opportunities produce a net increase in social wealth rather than just uxe transfer of income. Employer -sponsored long-term care insurance: best practices for increasing sponsorship.
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Markets Market Indexes. Stock Research Top Stocks. Economy U. Economic Charts. States by Population U. Uae Population Density Chart and table of Uae population density from to United Nations projections are also included through the year The current population density of Uae in is The population density of Uae in was Download Historical Data Save as Image.
Closely monitors individual reservations of convention blocks based on reports and enforces cut-off controls. Maintains systematic files of reservation records and other office correspondence. Attends monthly departmental meetings. Performs other duties as may be assigned from time to time. Develop project plan based on detailed requirements analysis within the time frame promised to customer.
Perform revisions in project plan as appropriate to meet the changing needs and requirements. Identify resources required for the implementation. Assign individual responsibilities to each resource. Execution of project plan with allotted resources. Provide consistent and comprehensive status reports with ongoing cost analysis. Provide internal consultation for technology and business teams to re-engineer processes for greater efficiency.
Manage day-to-day operational activities of project implementation. Key Accountabilities- Organize and manage the day-to-day running of the department’s affairs, ensuring high quality level of required administrative support Build and update the database of malls and schedule of the groups portfolio Partake in the process of preparing presentations related to Azadea real estate portfolio Co-ordinates and books the travel arrangements for the Regional Real Estate team Updates and follows up on the Real Estate Expansion plan.
Diploma holders with substantial experience will also be considered. Candidates preferred who are from engineering industry-Fabrication of pressureVessels, Piping, and Structures Etc. Aggressive in generating business and Good in communication and commercial Skills. Administer designing of projects and production of steel fabrication drawings. Review and confirm design calculations along with GA drawings. Closely follow engineering team, project coordinators and sub contractors for smooth functioning of projects.
Monitor and review all technical information, revision, changes in products, operation system and policies. Trouble shooting, interpretation of GC data 3. Various extraction techniques for chemicals, liquids, saoil, etc. Testing experience in water, soil, mineral, inorganic chemicals, etc.
Develop and implement training programs which are critical for the business Design training materials, manuals and documentation of the trainings imparted.
Initiating Budgets for the trainings, negotiating with external training agencies for specialized trainings.
United States of America.
Thanks go to the Government of Flanders (French, Russian and Spanish editions), the Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (Arabic edition). This inventory includes metadata on various quantitative sources of information on migration drivers that can be used for modelling purposes. Additionally, the. [House Report ] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] th and how more goods, along with jobs, can be created in the United States.
Opm usa jobs government jobs in uae population density. Migration Drivers Data Inventory Records
This will help base planners and engineers locate and design new flight line facilities that will support three new squadrons of F Lightning II strike fighters, scheduled to begin arriving in late With the digital twin, they can explore various design options so they can make support operations more efficient.
They also can use the digital twin to better understand security vulnerabilities and conduct resilience planning. When digital twins are enhanced with real-time data streaming, the use cases expand further. Real-time digital twins, for example, can track every vehicle in a fleet to identify maintenance issues or schedule issues as they emerge. When monitoring sensor data streaming from individual nodes in a power grid, a digital twin can detect issues, such as an impending failure that could cause a fire or outage, in near real time.
A real-time digital twin of a high-security facility could stream data at critical entry and exit points to detect unauthorized incursions and threats to employee safety.
Ultimately, JADC2 planners aim to connect innumerable battlefield and space sensors with any weapon system in any domain across the joint force, all enabled and accelerated by open architectures, open standards, and artificial intelligence. Although still in the early vision and strategy stages, the JADC2 effort will ultimately emerge as an amalgam of interconnected systems developed across the different service branches. These capabilities also have enormous potential in advancing many other federal missions and operations, whether they concern moving people through airport security more efficiently, urban planning, improving healthcare and logistics, or delivering citizen services.
Even the materials we use to manufacture things or wear on our bodies can be programmed to respond to particular interactions. Today, we have entire classes of smart materials that are designed to modify some of their properties when exposed to certain external stimuli, such as mechanical stress or temperature.
For example, a Veterans Affairs Department research team at the Advanced Platform Technology Center in Cleveland developed a bandage that applies electrical stimulation to treat chronic wounds, also known as pressure injuries, that would otherwise struggle to heal on their own.
Pressure injuries are often painful for patients, slow to heal, and expensive to manage: the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality estimates the cost to treat them in the U. Veterans especially are at high risk of chronic wounds, and because many veterans live long distances from a VA medical center, treatment often requires extended hospitalizations. The problem with chronic wounds is that the healing process often stalls.
The wounds can become colonized with bacteria that form a biofilm, which delays healing. Preliminary data suggest that electrical stimulation can disrupt the biofilm, minimize infection, and promote the growth of new blood vessels, according to Dr. Kath Bogie, who led the research and development project.
This led her team to create a layered bandage that was embedded with a mechanism to deliver electrical stimulation, temperature sensors, and a smart chip. The top half of the smart bandage contains the electronics and battery — a separable bottom layer is the absorbent bandage, which can be used for up to seven days before being discarded and replaced, repeatedly if necessary for as long as the patient requires.
The smart bandage also records temperature readings and impedance across the wound, which inform the clinician how well the wound is healing and whether the wound is infected or potentially ischemic suffering restricted blood flow. If the patient is remote, the chip in the bandage can even connect to the patient’s phone so it can send information to the clinician for analysis and responsive treatment that capability, however, has not yet been approved for use by VA, according to Bogie.
Merging the physical world with the digital world in ways that responsively address our needs and challenges requires that federal enterprises develop a deep understanding of three layers that comprise the programmable world: the Connected, the Experiential, and the Material.
Many are already investing in and deploying the first layer of programmable world technology, creating a connected foundation. The fifth generation 5G of wireless technology, which lies at the heart of this connectivity, will completely transform telecommunications networks and the global digital landscape along with it due to its high speed, improved efficiency, better mobility support, high connection density, and capability to connect to many devices.
The continued expansion of 5G networks will enable richer, more robust experiences and promote a greater integration of IoT-based devices for a mass machine communication approach so that these devices can communicate and handle data without human dependencies.
Another important contributor to this connectivity layer will be the adoption of open architectures and open standards to more easily interconnect disparate systems and components.
We know that when networks, systems, data, sensors, and IoT devices converge, the sum value of those assets can deliver transformational capabilities — just as Defense Department leaders anticipate with their ongoing JADC2 endeavors. It will be open standards and open architectures that enable that convergence and the transformation that comes with it. The next layer of the programmable world is experiential.
This is about creating natural computer interfaces linking the physical and digital worlds. These seemingly simple interfaces must overcome numerous obstacles, such as our natural fear of looking ridiculous as well as the need to communicate back with users in an intuitive way.
The materials we use to flesh out the programmable world are also increasingly important. New generations of manufacturing and materials will bring programmability into the truly physical aspects of our environments. Advances in digital manufacturing techniques are changing how and where physical goods can be made, making on-demand and hyper customized products a reality.
For instance, 3D printers can now print a much wider variety of objects, and the number of viable filament materials is growing too. Similarly, advances in digital textiles production are making textile customization easier and on-demand production increasingly possible. A number of federal agencies are already using additive manufacturing for a wide variety of uses. Finally, across every layer of this emerging programmable world, there must be robust security embedded throughout.
After all, with this degree of connectivity — including the increased connectivity of IT and OT operational technology networks — comes far greater degrees of vulnerability and exposure.
And the stakes increase significantly when physical environments — such as power and energy networks, factory operations, transportation systems, and military bases — become extensions of our virtual worlds. Yes, the programmable world holds tremendous promise for us, but it also vastly expands the attack surface available to cyber threats, putting critical networks and infrastructures further at risk. In short, there must be a security-first mindset throughout as we move down this path of a more programmable world.
Security has been a factor in 5G since its inception — nevertheless, the exponential increase we will see in new devices and connections in the coming years will add far greater complexity and scale to the security challenges of today.
Federal agencies and industry will need to develop comprehensive security strategies that account for resilience, communication security, identity management and security, privacy, and data integrity and protection. Rigorous security features and protocols, using system design principles applied with a risk-based mindset, will need to extend from the networks to the IoT devices — and even the supply chains of those devices — to the data itself.
Everything from the IoT devices to the cloud service providers must be rigorously vetted. And much thought must be given to the integration of these many components from a security perspective. Holistic, smartly architected security frameworks, such as zero trust, will be critical in protecting these hyper-connected environments.
Traditional approaches focused on establishing a strong perimeter to keep out bad actors no longer work. Passwords and firewalls are no longer sufficient. In a programmable world, perimeters become less and less obvious or obsolete all together. But security is not simply a matter of putting the right technical solutions in place — there are also educational and cultural issues that federal agencies must address.
New risk-aware practices, protocols, incentives, and mindsets must be brought into play. The arrival of the programmable world will be the most disruptive turning point for people, agencies, and businesses in decades. With these environments, a new arena for government innovation will be born.
Will you be ready? To learn more about how the Programmable World will affect federal agencies — including potential challenges that federal leaders should look out for and steps that agencies can take to prepare — please read the full PDF.
The annual Technology Vision takes a systematic look across the enterprise landscape to identify evolving technology trends with the highest possibility to disrupt businesses, governments, and societies over the next three years. Skip to main content Skip to footer. Federal Technology Vision Accenture Federal Services.
Our planet, personalized. View Other Articles. Overview WebMe Programmable World. Programmable World. In brief. Full Text Available The research of employability shows tension in the social field of career, where variables such as market value, gender, and personal skills are important. The aim of this study was to identify the predicted weight of market value of type of occupation, sex, and career competences self-efficacy, pro-activity, and locus of control over objective employability and perceived opportunities for a future career and satisfaction of young professionals.
In this study, graduates from 27 different undergraduate degree programs participated, describing their labor situation, satisfaction with career opportunities , and their level in the studied competences. Each type of occupation has a specific market value score, according to national and international criteria. It was possible to identify that the market value of their occupations had significant effects on objective employability p employability opportunities p opportunities and job placement.
Why does Part-time Employment Increase in Recessions? The evidence shows, however, that this hypothesis only accounts for a small part of the story. Instead, the growth of part-time work operates mainly through reductions in working hours in existing jobs Do childcare policies increase maternal employment? Childcare allows the primary caregiver, usually the mother, to take time away from childrearing for employment. Family policies that subsidize childcare and increase its availability have different effects on female labor supply across countries.
For policymakers to determine how well these policies work, they should consider that policy effectiven Full Text Available The utilization of ICTs in creating new jobs and eliminating gender based inequalities in employability and entrepreneurship, employs increasingly more researchers, governments and organizations around the world.
In this article we analyze the current situation regarding the impact of ICTs, social networks and media on creating new opportunities for the employability of women. We also present the new market requirements, the new e-skills that will be acquired by women in order to take advantage of new labor market opportunities. Finally special reference is made to new trends in women’s entrepreneurship as well as the supportive role of ICTs. People who belongs to underdeveloped and developing countries, focus on getting employment in different developed countries.
In the recent past years the number of people working in different countries has increased dramatically. In the past four decades, profound changes in the U. Only about half of young people ages 16 to 24 held jobs in , and…. The research has revealed favorable changes and trends in life and consciousness of unemployed citizens and their attitude to self- employment : the decreasing amount of citizens compelled to as little money as possible on most necessary things and living in poverty, growing incomes from self- employment in personal subsidiary plots, the increasing amount of people ready for self- employment , social mobility and self-reliance.
But paternalistic moods of half of the respondents and the dominance of passive and compelled strategies raise concerns. It has been concluded that the majority of the respondents considers self- employment as a phenomenon of considerable potential, which does not save from unemployment, but is capable of providing the fulfilment of needs of a considerable part of rural population for working and earning money.
Besides income as a means of living, self- employment forms an important position of the unemployed social activity, as opposed to social dependency. Measures to support the self- employed should be implemented either at the federal or at regional level. This would promote the increase in business activity, the growth of middle class and the general increase in Russian economic efficiency. Despite the enormous capital required to fund remote sensing initiatives, governments Optimistic about sustainable growth and employment.
An entrepreneurial vision on the opportunities for the Netherlands. The Dutch economy can benefit from the significant perspectives that are offered by economic developments in Asia and South America by utilizing and expanding its current strengths. Sustainable growth and full employment are within reach. Cutbacks and reforms must not be ‘depressing’ but deliver additional growth and new opportunities.
Their thoughts and plans with regard to strengthening the position of the Netherlands in the economic world top should play a role in the run-up to the elections and in forming the cabinet. Full Text Available South West region covers an area of 29, km2, approximately The regional unemployment rate was 7. We presented these statistics to highlight the region’s potential in the development of e-work activities that would increase employment levels both in urban population and especially in rural areas, low unemployment and thus the local population migration and support sustainable development of the region.
This paper aims to analyze the opportunity to develop complementary activities of e-work employment for the South West region. Global Prospects for Full Employment. Full Text Available The recent international financial crisis highlights the crucial role of employment in human welfare and social stability.
Access to remunerative employment opportunities is essential for economic security in a market-based economic system. As the rise of democracy compelled nations to extend the voting right to all citizens, employment must be recognized as a fundamental human right. In total defiance of conventional wisdom, since job growth has outpaced the explosive growth of population, the rapid adoption of labor-saving technologies, the manifold expansion of world trade, and the dramatic shift from manual labor to white collar work.
In an increasingly globalized labor market, current nation-centric theories and models of employment need to be replaced with a human-centered global perspective complemented by new indicators that recognize the central and essential contribution of employment to human economic welfare.
Employment and economy are subsets of society and their growth is driven by the more fundamental process of social development. A vast array of unmet social needs combined with an enormous reservoir of underutilized social resources — technological, scientific, educational, organizational, cultural and psychological — can be harnessed to dramatically expand employment opportunities and achieve full employment on a global basis. This paper examines the theoretical basis, policy issues and strategies required to eradicate unemployment nationally and globally.
The Case of Kentucky Coal Mines. A popular argument for safety regulations is that workers accept dangerous jobs because they have “no choice,” or, in other words, because they have few or no alternative employment opportunities. This argument is considered in a game-theoretic framework. Because simultaneous-entry models do not yield pure-strategy equilibria, this paper develops a sequential-entry model to analyze the effect of additional firms on occupational safety.
Within the context of the particular functional specifica Social Services programs for social inclusion through employment : facing challenges of transverslity, multidimensionality and creation of job opportunities.
Full Text Available In a context without employment and with high labour precarity it is necessary to rethink the activation commitments linked to the inclusion policies of social services. The main goal of this paper is to debate about the limitations, potentialities and differences in terms of inclusion capacity, about 9 socio labour programs of social services. The analysis identifies three key outcomes: the need of collaboration between social services and employment departments, the importance of creating employment opportunities for people at risk of social exclusion and guaranty the multidimensionality of the intervention.
Especially in a context of high unemployment and low quality jobs. These results highlight the need to reconsider the care system that, in line of European recommendations, must focus on social investment policies. Social capital through workplace connections: opportunities for workers with intellectual disabilities. Using qualitative methods, this study examined the experiences of individuals with intellectual disabilities IDs in sheltered workshops and compared them to those in community employment.
In particular, the study investigated how employment affects opportunities for the creation of social capital. Primary respondents were individuals with ID and secondary respondents were family members and employment services staff.
Findings revealed that a form of social capital was created through workplace connections. Community employment did not increase social capital per se, but it did produce opportunities not available in the workshop. The role of family members emerged as critical in the support of community employment and its potential for social capital development.
Self- employment is an alternative to wage employment and an opportunity to increase labor force participation by people with psychiatric disabilities. Self- employment refers to individuals who work for themselves, either as an unincorporated sole proprietor or through ownership of a business.
Advantages of self- employment for people with psychiatric disabilities, who may have disrupted educational and employment histories, include opportunities for self-care, additional earning, and career choice. Self- employment fits within a recovery paradigm because of the value placed on individual preferences, and the role of resilience and perseverance in business ownership. Self- employment creates many new US jobs, but remains only a small percentage of employment closures for people with psychiatric disabilities, despite vocational rehabilitation and Social Security disability policies that encourage it.
This commentary elucidates the positive aspects of self- employment in the context of employment challenges experienced by individuals with psychiatric disabilities and provides recommendations based on larger trends in entrepreneurship. Pratapas, John [Gas Technology Inst.
This project brings together novel gas quality sensor GQS technology with engine management for opportunity fuels such as landfill gas, digester gas and coal bed methane. By providing the capability for near real-time monitoring of the composition of these opportunity fuels, the GQS output can be used to improve the performance, increase efficiency, raise system reliability, and provide improved project economics and reduced emissions for engines used in distributed generation and combined heat and power.
F Encouraging present employees to refer Inquiring as This paper investigates gender differences in spatial mobility with respect to participation in off-farm employment in rural Tanzania.
Student and recent graduate employment opportunities. Geological Survey USGS is dedicated to the timely, relevant, and impartial study of the health of our ecosystems and environment, our natural resources, the impacts of climate and land-use change, and the natural hazards that affect our lives.
Opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as recent graduates, to participate in USGS science are available in the selected programs described in this publication. Exploration of the potential employment opportunities in the field of renewable energies in ”Wadi AL-ajal”.
This inductive research is located within the theme of the management and development of renewable energy systems. Several proposed investment models in solar, wind and biomass energies in this paper show -via statistical approach- how to provide a variety of job opportunities according to investment activities proposed in the three mentioned fields of renewable energies. In conclusion, the paper confirms the availability of the earlier mentioned renewable energies in varying amounts and varying degrees, they are all able to create jobs and employment of advanced technology, which are necessary for any national program for sustainable development, with the support of economic stimuli that affect investment, such as; the market activation, human resources, and finance.
The increasing participating rates of disable youth in hospitality higher career educationcan clearly be seen in many countries including Malaysia. This group has been identified as a key equity group for several years on the basis of their overall participating level, progression rates and the employments outcomes they achieve after completion their special education.
This study empirically compares the barriers and constraints of employment among the young male and female hearing impaired g Full Text Available This study explores the rural labour market in Assam. The Work Participation Rates WPR for males has increased during the period to , whereas the same for females has been fluctuating around a lower level of 15 to 20 per cent.
Thus, unemployment rates for females have been higher than males. A sector-wise distribution of workers shows that the proportion of males employed in the farm sector has been declining in favour of the Non-Farm Sector NFS, while the females are more concentrated in the farm sector.
Thus, females stand in a more disadvantageous situation in the rural labour market as indicated by their low WPR, higher unemployment rates and low level of diversification into NFS. However, gender equality is necessary for growth. This is more so with regard to education and employment. India has introduced the concept of inclusive growth in the Eleventh Five Year Plan.
Inclusive growth ensures opportunities for all sections of the population, with a special emphasis on the poor, particularly women and young people, who are most likely to be marginalised. A rapidly growing population in India has not only increased the size of the rural labour force but has also led to fragmentation of land holdings.
Thus, this sector alone cannot create additional employment opportunities , even in high growth agriculture states of India. This has led to the growth of a vibrant non-farm sector. The study comes up with the suggestion that the NFS, with its greater potential of employment generation, can not only solve the unemployment problem, but can also lead to the increased access of women to resources and employment opportunities. Employment of women in mauritian industry: opportunity or exploitation?
Working paper on industrial sector employment of woman workers in Mauritius – based on interviews and a survey, examines the conditions lower minimum wages, higher labour productivity, less absenteeism and easier human relations dictating employer preference for female industrial workers, discusses motivations, employment by age group, marital status and educational level, job satisfaction and employment policy issues, and includes questionnaire.
Bibliography pp. Equal employment opportunity plan development guidance. The material included should be used immediately as guidance to develop, document, and implement subordinate echelon commitments to EEO. A schedule for the development and submission of EEO Plans is included. Most of the continuing requirements will be published at a later date as part of the directives system.
Any comments or helpful suggestions concerned with the program outlined would be appreciated by the Office of Equal Opportunity. Northern employment. Hiring practices and policies and employment opportunities that were available in the Beaufort Sea and MacKenzie Delta project for local residents and for people from southern Canada were dealt with in this chapter.
Depending on the source, Northern hiring was a mere token, or a genuine and successful effort on the part of the companies to involve the native population and to share with them the benefits of the project. The fact remains that opening up job opportunities for Northerners was not easily attained, and would never have been realized without the involvement of government and community organizations.
Government also played a major role in developing policies and training regimes. By the end of exploration operations, the hiring of Northern residents in the oil and gas industry had become a requirement of drilling applications.
Training programs were also created to ensure that Northern residents received the means necessary to take advantage of Northern employment opportunities. Structured behavioral interview as a legal guarantee for ensuring equal employment opportunities for women: A meta-analysis.
In this context, indirect discrimination in the access to jobs is an illegal practice. For this reason, personnel selection procedures must be fair for protected-by-law groups. Specifically, gender discrimination is the focus of research on employment interviews.
This article presents a meta-analysis of gender differences in the scores in structured behavioral interviews SBI. A database was created consisting of studies conducted with real candidates and employees. Psychometric meta-analysis methods were applied.
The results showed that the SBI is fair for women and men and does not show evidence of adverse impact and indirect discrimination. Implications for the practice of personnel selection are discussed and future research is suggested.
Postsecondary education has been linked to improved access to employment opportunities for individuals with and without disabilities. The purpose of this study was to determine factors associated with increased employment outcomes for Vocational Rehabilitation consumers enrolled in community college short term occupational skill training programs.
This paper explores whether the agglomeration of human capital leads to social employment advantages in urban labor markets of a developing country: Colombia.
I estimate the social effects of human capital agglomeration by comparing employment opportunities of individuals located in urban areas in which the level of education differs.
Results show that employment opportunities are higher on average in skilled urban areas. Three explanations have been offered: human capital externalities, prod Communications Commission FCC , or other appropriate agency. Where a substantial number of applicants are C Placing The gender composition of the medical profession in Mexico: implications for employment patterns and physician labor supply. The gender composition of the medical profession is changing rapidly in many parts of the world, including Mexico.
We analyze cross-sectional and longitudinal data on sex differences in physician employment from household employment surveys. The results suggest that Mexico is a particularly interesting example of the feminization of physician employment. The increased participation of women in medicine seems to be accompanied by differences in employment patterns that could generate significant reductions in the total supply of physician hours of service.
Women physicians are unemployed at a much higher rate than men and hence account for half of underused physician human capital. The results suggest that improved educational opportunities do not translate automatically into equal employment opportunities.
New Evidence to Enhance Employment and Education for A decade of continuous growth, coupled with enhanced social investment, has reduced poverty and increased labour market opportunities in Latin America. However, some groups – in particular women and youth – are yet to see the benefits of this growth. Despite higher educational levels, the employment outlook for young Latin America has reduced poverty and increased labour market opportunities.
They have higher educational levels, but the employment outlook remains low. Nothing in this order This article compares and contrasts male immigrant labor market experiences in Sweden and Denmark during the period Using register-based panel data sets from Sweden and Denmark, a picture of the employment assimilation process of immigrants from Norway, Poland, and Turkey is presented The comparative approach shows that immigrants in Sweden and Denmark experienced similar declines in employment prospects between and despite quite different developments of aggregate labor market conditions.
A possible explanation is that the changing organizational structure – toward more flexible Evaluating opportunities for direct contracting between employers and physician-hospital organizations. Employers seeking to reduce health care expenditures are turning to direct contracting as a way to control provider cost increases. In a direct contract, the participation of third parties is minimized. The health care provider and a corporate buyer directly negotiate a price agreement for the delivery of health care services.
However, as managed care penetration increases , the ability of hospitals and physicians to assume risk while providing high quality, cost effective care will be paramount.
Physicians and hospitals who choose to work together may find a physician-hospital organization an effective vehicle to meet the current and future market challenges of direct contracting. In this article, the effects of non- employment in early work-life on subsequent employment chances of individuals in the Netherlands are examined.
A main concern is whether the experience of non- employment in the beginning of the career permanently damages a workers later employment opportunities. Two pension reforms in Austria increased the early retirement age ERA from 60 to 62 for men and from 55 to We find that raising the ERA increased employment by 9.
The reforms had large spillover effects on the unemployment insurance program but negligible effects on disability insurance claims. Specifically, unemployment increased by The employment response was largest among high-wage and healthy workers, while low-wage and less healthy workers either continued to retire early via disability benefits or bridged the gap to the ERA via unemployment benefits.
Taking spillover effects and additional tax revenues into account, we find that for a typical birth-year cohort a one year increase in the ERA resulted in a reduction of net government expenditures of million euros for men and of million euros for women.
Breastfeeding and employment : an assessment of employer attitudes. Both research and anecdotal reports suggest that maternal employment is associated with failure to initiate breastfeeding and early breastfeeding attrition. The objective of this study was to describe the experience with and attitudes toward breastfeeding of a sample of employers in a small Midwestern city in the United States.
Based on an analysis of 85 mail-out questionnaires, we found that less than half of the employers had personal experience with breastfeeding. A large percentage of the sample, however, indicated that they would be willing to facilitate women who wished to breastfeed or express milk in the workplace. However, these employers also stated that they saw little value to their business of supporting breastfeeding in the work environment. Thus, enhancement of breastfeeding opportunity in the work environment may come as a result of public and employer education but, more likely, will require some type of directive from official sources.
Health benefits in moderate premium increases in employer -sponsored plans. The percentage of firms offering health benefits 57 percent was similar to that in , as was the percentage of workers at offering firms who were covered by their firm’s health benefits 62 percent. Most firms 77 percent , including nearly all large employers , continued to offer wellness programs, but relatively few used incentives to encourage employees to participate.
More than half of large employers offering health risk appraisals to workers offered financial incentives for completing the appraisal.
Supported employment opportunities can help to meet the transition needs of individuals enrolled in special education programs. A review of related literature discusses characteristics of supported employment program participants, the need for individual transition planning, the school’s role and responsibility, vocational planning, benefits,…. In four empirical studies, different aspects in life were investigated in order to gain a holistic understanding of gender inequalities related to flexibility at work: the d Full Text Available In this paper we want to raise awareness of how important is for an economy the existence of creative jobs.
In the last years the employment rate has grown in the sector of creative jobs. This research came out due the need of creative jobs contribution to the development of an economy, in particular Romanian economy. In this paper we want to stress on the importance of creative industry and also to propose some solutions for increasing employment in this sectors , being well-known that creative industry is attractive to smart and talented people.
Nevertheless, it is important to point out the development of IT as part of creative industry. Not at last, we will take in consideration the role that small and medium enterprises have, the impact of fiscal facilities in the economy and the need for appropriate financial instruments to support this kind of business.
Women’s employment transitions around child bearing. Women’s increasing participation in the labor force since the s demands that knowledge about their labor supply needs to keep pace with the changing world.
One important change has occurred among mothers of small children, they are increasingly working for pay in successive generations, as the break in their employment has become increasingly shorter. Legislation was enacted in the UK to outlaw unequal pay and discrimination in employment on the basis of gender, while statutory maternity leave was introduced in and extended in The proportion of mothers taking maternity leave has since increased , as has full-time employment among mothers.
The authors examine the transitions into and out of paid work which women make after childbirth, helping to determine whether recent generations of mothers have benefitted from the policy changes, whether all have benefitted equally, and whether any effects persist beyond the period around the first childbirth.
The experiences of mothers in the generation suggests that women have begun to benefit from the equal opportunities provisions enacted in Britain during the s. The age of the youngest child is the most important determinant of women’s participation over the preschool years, and relatively better educated women have the highest degree of continuity in employment across childbirth.
Working Paper. The California Youth Authority CYA planned to offer a training program covering all aspects of the automotive trades to wards during their incarceration. Through analysis, it showed future job opportunities exist, due to increased job numbers and high turnover rate, for persons trained in the automotive trades in California over a year period…. Rural-urban migration and urban employment opportunities in Nigeria.
The author suggests that most studies of rural-urban migration in the third world today are based on the European experience during the Industrial Revolution.
He contends that the assumption that most migrants find wage employment in a rapidly growing modern industrial sector is not valid, particularly in Western Africa, where the pace of industrialization lags behind the rate of urbanization. Data from Nigeria are used to show that many potential migrants are aware of this situation and migrate seeking self- employment in informal sector trading activities.
Implications of trends in population, families, communications, automation, the environment, and employment changes are noted for the training and employment of handicapped persons. The need for emphasis in vocational education on generalizability, job readiness and vocational adjustment skills, and job analysis is stressed.
Comments on “Duality of Female Employment in Pakistan”. Data problems and substantive issues relating to an article on female employment problems in Pakistan are critiqued. Productivity and income of women by occupation is also important for policy analysis. Employers ‘ biases are clear demand side factors. In the example of the upper income class group, women work due to higher levels of education and experience, their greater liberation from domestic duties, and the professional satisfaction derived from work; constraints are appropriate education and training, employers ‘ gender discrimination, and higher satisfaction from domestic roles.
Women’s segregation as a supply factor is stronger in middle and low income groups; hence, employment is lower. Income generation is very important among low income groups, which creates a greater force to seek employment , but without the necessary skills or education and with household responsibilities; their employment is predominately in the informal sector with low productivity and income.
Policy interventions to increase welfare and productivity must be different for each class or group. For upper income women, employers must not discriminate against women in hiring and firing, and more educational and training opportunities must be provided.
In the middle income group, access to education an employment and more employment opportunities in a culturally acceptable framework are needed.
Respectability of jobs, for instance in the service sector, is an important factor. In the low income group, productivity increases are the goal. Access to credits, and new. Physician assistant wages and employment , This study sought to assess physician assistant PA wages, make comparisons with other healthcare professionals, and project their earnings to The Bureau of Labor Statistics PA employment datasets were probed, and wages were used to explore median wage differences between large employer categories and 14 years of historical data Median wages of PAs, family physicians and general practitioners, pharmacists, registered nurses, advanced practice nurses, and physical therapists were compared.
Linear regression was used to project the PA median wage to This suggests that demand exceeds supply, a finding consistent with similar clinicians such as family physicians. A predictive model suggests that PA employment opportunities and remuneration will remain high through Female employment reduces fertility in rural Senegal. Economic growth and modernization of society are generally associated with fertility rate decreases but which forces trigger this is unclear.
In this paper we assess how fertility changes with increased labor market participation of women in rural Senegal. Evidence from high-income countries suggests that higher female employment rates lead to reduced fertility rates but evidence from developing countries at an early stage of demographic transition is largely absent.
We concentrate on a rural area in northern Senegal where a recent boom in horticultural exports has been associated with a sudden increase in female off-farm employment.
Using survey data we show that employed women have a significantly higher age at marriage and at first childbirth, and significantly fewer children. As causal identification strategy we use instrumental variable and difference-in-differences estimations, combined with propensity score matching. Results imply that female employment is a strong instrument for empowering rural women, reducing fertility rates and accelerating the demographic transition in poor countries.
The effectiveness of family planning programs can increase if targeted to areas where female employment is increasing or to female employees directly because of a higher likelihood to reach women with low-fertility preferences. Our results show that changes in fertility preferences not necessarily result from a cultural evolution but can also be driven by sudden and individual changes in economic opportunities.
Workforce Brief 8. The six sections of this brief provide the following information: 1 the types of public incentives available to employers for hiring and training of employees, including increasing economic activity and increasing labor market supply; 2 federally operated incentive programs Welfare-to-Work Tax Credit, Work Opportunity Tax Credit, Employee….
It is a violation of title VII for a help-wanted Job- opportunities specify educational levels, types and quality, which an applicant must have to secure the job opportunity. As such Why do tougher caseworkers increase employment? Previous research found that less accommodating caseworkers are more successful in placing unemployed workers into employment. This paper explores the causal mechanisms behind this result using semiparametric mediation analysis.
Analysing rich linked jobseeker-caseworker data for Switzerland, we Sustained employability of workers in a production environment : design of a stepped wedge trial to evaluate effectiveness and cost-benefit of the POSE program.
Background: Sustained employability and health are generating awareness of employers in an aging and more complex work force. To meet these needs, employers may offer their employees health surveillance programs, to increase opportunities to work on health and sustained employability. Sustained employability of workers in a production environment: design of a stepped wedge trial to evaluate effectiveness and cost-benefit of the POSE program.
Employment of Handicapped People in Leisure Occupations. In response to the need for up-to-date information on employment opportunities for handicapped people in the leisure occupations, a national survey was conducted to determine both existing levels of employment and employer practices.
The survey was sent to agencies and businesses representing four leisure occupational subclusters: travel,…. Employer -provided health insurance and hospital mergers. This paper explores the impact of employer -provided health insurance on hospital competition and hospital mergers. Under employer -provided health insurance, employer executives act as agents for their employees in selecting health insurance options for their firm. The paper investigates whether a merger of hospitals favored by executives will result in a larger price increase than a merger of competing hospitals elsewhere.
This is found to be the case even when the executive has the same opportunity cost of travel as her employees and even when the executive is the sole owner of the firm, retaining all profits. Implications of the model are further tested with executive location data and hospital data from Florida and Texas. Full Text Available People who belongs to underdeveloped and developing countries, focus on getting employment in different developed countries.
Employment issues such as low wage rate, preference to residents, absence of contractual nexus, and sexual abuse etc. This study aims to identify the major gaps in the implementation of laws regarding immigrant work force and the conditions of immigrants working in these countries. The study is qualitative and the respondents are those who have work experience of minimum three years.
The results of this study shows that employers hardly follow labor laws for the immigrant work force, where as some countries have a clear policy which is enforced by their government. There is a dire need to do legislation regarding the rights of immigrant workforce and its implementation.
We conducted an on-line survey among specialists in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine in Italy who completed their training between October and July , to assess their training experience, employment opportunities and current job satisfaction. Mean age was 35 years. Job, pay, and training satisfaction are often below expectations with geographical differences that would need to be further investigated. Full Text Available Economic growth and modernization of society are generally associated with fertility rate decreases but which forces trigger this is unclear.
Full Text Available Introduction: People with intellectual disabilities ID are often excluded from the labour market and face many obstacles on their way to employment. Aim: The main aim is giving the persons with ID a possibility to participate in occasional employment , providing them suitable work skills, sustainable knowledge and competencies, as well as suitable skills for more active life.
Materials and methods: We analysed 90 evaluation questionnaires filled out by students, mentors, parents and craftsmen, during a 3-year project September – October The Spearman Correlation Coefficient and Chi-square test were used for statistical data analysis. Conclusion: Implementation of selected workshops, related to guided employment showed that employment of people with ID is possible under professional guidance of mentors.
Opportunities for public aquariums to increase the sustainability of the aquatic animal trade. The global aquatic pet trade encompasses a wide diversity of freshwater and marine organisms.
While relying on a continual supply of healthy, vibrant aquatic animals, few sustainability initiatives exist within this sector. Public aquariums overlap this industry by acquiring many of the same species through the same sources. End users are also similar, as many aquarium visitors are home aquarists. Here we posit that this overlap with the pet trade gives aquariums significant opportunity to increase the sustainability of the trade in aquarium fishes and invertebrates.
Improving the sustainability ethos and practices of the aquatic pet trade can carry a conservation benefit in terms of less waste, and protection of intact functioning ecosystems, at the same time as maintaining its economic and educational benefits and impacts. The relationship would also move forward the goal of public aquariums to advance aquatic conservation in a broad sense. For example, many public aquariums in North America have been instrumental in working with the seafood industry to enact positive change toward increased sustainability.
The actions include being good consumers themselves, providing technical knowledge, and providing educational and outreach opportunities.
These same opportunities exist for public aquariums to partner with the ornamental fish trade, which will serve to improve business, create new, more ethical and more dependable sources of aquatic animals for public aquariums, and perhaps most important, possibly transform the home aquarium industry from a threat, into a positive force for aquatic conservation.
Innovative Employment Practices for Older Americans. Many companies recognize the importance of including older persons in the labor force, but barriers still exist that limit their productive employment.
Negative stereotypes may influence hiring and promotion decisions, and training opportunities may be closed. Access to Employment : People with Disabilities. Reports the findings of Lou Harris and Associates on what employers are doing to employ people with disabilities and what their experiences with disabled employees have been.
Presents strategies that provide a model for addressing the needs of the disabled population and provide them with opportunities. Women–Their Access to Education and Employment. The Unesco National Commissions carried out a series of studies simultaneously in Argentina, the Ivory Coast, Lebanon, Sierra Leone, and Sri Lanka regarding the relationship between the educational opportunities and the opportunities of employment open to women.
Basic conclusions of international scope are presented. Adaptation and Employment of Special Groups of Manpower.
Conclusions are presented indicating the role which public bodies, employers , trade unions, and other private groups can play in improving the employment opportunities of special groups, such as older workers, workers with family responsibilities, and workers of rural origin engaged in non-agricultural employment.
Because of the increasing number…. Employability of Nursing Care Graduates. The purpose of the current study was to examine the effects of immediately prompting a general education teacher to increase her rate of Opportunities to Respond OTR through bug-in-ear technology on the academic engagement of a first-grade student with emotional and behavior disorders EBD and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD.
This investment has generated significant health gains, but much less is known about PEPFAR’s population-level economic effects. We used a difference-in-differences approach to compare employment trends between ten countries that received a large amount of PEPFAR funding focus countries and eleven countries that received little or no funding control countries. We found that PEPFAR was associated with a 13 percent differential increase in employment among males in focus countries, compared to control countries.
However, we observed no change in employment among females. These findings suggest that PEPFAR’s economic impact should be taken into account when making aid allocation decisions. Consequences of Partner Incarceration for Women’s Employment.
Research has documented the limited opportunities men have to earn income while in prison and the barriers to securing employment and decent wages upon release.
However, little research has considered the relationship between men’s incarceration and the employment of the women in their lives. Economic theory suggests that family members of incarcerated individuals may attempt to smooth income fluctuation resulting from incarceration by increasing their labor supply.
Results showed that, on average, women’s hours of work were not significantly impacted by the incarceration of their partners.
However, there was a positive relationship between partner incarceration and employment among more advantaged groups of women e. Economic benefits of employment transportation services : final report. This report examines the benefits that accrue from employment transportation services implemented as a result of changes in welfare policy, namely the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act PRWORA of Employment transp This monograph reviews the current status of constitutional, statutory, and case law governing public employers ‘ obligations to assure equal employment opportunities and employees’ rights to nondiscriminatory treatment.
An initial overview of the legal framework discusses federal equal protection mandates including the guarantee of equal…. Municipal wastewater treatment in Mexico: current status and opportunities for employing ecological treatment systems. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the current status of municipal wastewater MWW treatment in Mexico, as well as to assess opportunities for using ecological treatment systems, such as constructed wetlands.
Unfortunately, most treatment plants operate below capacity owing to a lack of maintenance and paucity of properly trained personnel. The main types of treatment systems applied in Mexico are activated sludge and waste stabilization ponds, which treat As in many other developing nations around the world, there is a great need in Mexico for low-cost, low-maintenance wastewater treatment systems that are both economically and environmentally sustainable.
In , An opportunity exists to extend the use of ecological treatment systems to these low population density areas and considerably increase the percentage of MWW that is treated in Mexico. Small-scale and medium-size constructed wetlands have been built successfully in some states, primarily during the past five years. Several barriers need to be overcome to increase the adoption and utilization of ecological wastewater technology in Mexico, including: a lack of knowledge about this technology, scarce technical information in Spanish, and the government’s concentration on constructing MWW treatment plants solely in urban areas.
To guarantee equal opportunities and treatment in employment for individuals with disabilities, Congress enacted Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act ADA in This law states, “No covered entity shall discriminate against a qualified individual on the basis of disability in regard to job application procedures, the hiring,…. A potential concern, though, is that employers will circumvent the employer mandate by increasing their use of workers in staffing arrangements that are not covered by the mandate: workers averaging less than 30 hours per week, working on a temporary basis, or working in organizations with fewer than 50 full-time employees.
In this paper, we shed light on the likely effects that t State-level employment , accessibility and rurality. Full Text Available Employment and economic growth in rural areas as a policy issue has been recently highlighted by the federal government. While the document listed various programs and policies that have reportedly benefited rural America, it also stated that rural communities are still facing many challenges.
For example, many rural communities have lower incomes and higher poverty rates than more urban areas. One possible reason for rural communities being at a disadvantage compared to urban areas involves transportation, especially in terms of journey to work.
Thus, one can ask how employment rates vary with accessibility, as measured by journey to work times, as well as location rural versus urban. Using state level data, OLS analysis is used to examine the relationship between employment rates and journey to work times and rurality. The analysis confirms that employment rates decrease with increased journey to work times.
However, measures of rurality were only marginally significant and the negative coefficient on each measure indicates that employment rates decrease with greater urbanization. Improving accessibility between very rural and larger areas might improve employment opportunities. Although weighing the benefits of such reduced unemployment against the costs of providing better highways or public transit might lead to a different conclusion. Employment Change and Business Prospects in Serbia.
In order to investigate this assumption a set of firm level data for is used. The most important finding of our research is that the companies that experienced fluctuations in the number of employees and upgraded their business opportunities in the previous period hesitate to make decisions on the engagement of new workers, whereas those companies that lost some business opportunities rather decide to downsize the total number of employees.
Opportunities in Government for Students of Green Chemistry. The presentation focuses on opportunities for students in green chemistry to apply their skills and knowledge in a government setting. Several examples of on-going work as well as opportunities for employment in local, state and federal positions will be discussed.
Work hour status was conceptualized as nonemployment, part time, and full time. Adjusting for covariates, mothers employed part time had higher sensitivity scores and higher provision of child learning opportunity scores than did mothers who were not employed , and these differences characterized families during early childhood rather than middle childhood.
In general, the findings supported ideas forwarded by role expansionist theory. What’s up with the self- employed? A cross-national perspective on the self- employed ‘s work-related mental well-being. Although many governments actively stimulate self- employment , their work-related mental well-being remains understudied.