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Pathways Program | US Forest Service.Part-Time Job Pathways – UNC Careers
Embassy Copenhagen: An internship at the U. Embassy in Copenhagen will give an American student excellent insights into the workings of a U. Embassy Copenhagen values and appreciates the input and ideas students can provide at a workplace; at the same time we acknowledge the need for students to obtain firsthand experience in the labor market before completing their studies.
We place great value on international and intercultural experience. For those reasons, U. We offer an intern a dynamic and interesting workplace in a highly international environment, with the opportunity for a great variety of tasks and networking opportunities.
Embassy Valletta: The Republic of Malta is a Southern European republic consisting of an archipelago situated in the center of the Mediterranean Sea, 50 miles south of Sicily.
The population is around , The capital city of Malta is Valletta and the two official languages are Maltese and English.
Embassy Valletta serves as the U. An internship at Embassy Valletta would expose interns to the day-to-day duties and responsibilities of a Foreign Service Officer as interns regularly participate in high level meetings, write cables, and interact with the Ambassador and Deputy Chief of Mission on a daily basis.
Mission Italy: U. Mission Italy consists of Embassy Rome, U. The United States and Italy share strong bilateral relations. Public Affairs interns will be enriched by challenging and rewarding experiences which include planning and organizing press conferences and media events as well as programs for U. In the Consular section, interns assist with a full range of services to American citizens living in or traveling to Italy including voting, customs, local health resources and processing of non-immigrant visa applications of nationals from over countries.
In the Political-Economic-ESTH section, interns contribute in research and drafting reports on topics that cover political and economic policy issues, investments in Italy, U. Health issues include Avian Influenza and health-related aspects of bioterrorism.
Mission Italy has a wide range of options for interns whether they serve at one of the three Embassies in Rome or one of our consulates in Milan, Naples and Florence. The U. The United States is the largest country donor at these IOs and the Mission participates in all budget and governance oversight committees. Interns will have the opportunity to work on a variety of analytical and public diplomacy related tasks and attend UN meetings, conferences, press events, and negotiations.
Interns have the opportunity to assist multilateral diplomatic activities that advance U. Mission Poland: U. The United States and Poland partner closely on issues such as NATO capabilities, counterterrorism, nonproliferation, missile defense, human rights, economic growth and innovation, energy security, and regional cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe.
Intern positions are historically offered in the Consular, Political, Economic, Public Affairs, and Management Sections and provide students an enriching experience ranging from assisting visa applicants, drafting cables on various issues, writing daily news briefs, participating in various Mission outreach initiatives, and supporting high level visits. Mission Poland has seen two Presidential visits in the last two years as well as numerous other high level visits, and Interns have the opportunity to work on these historic events.
Interns will find living in Warsaw and Krakow comfortable as both are modern European cities offering an array of restaurant, cultural, and shopping options. Cost of living is relatively low in Poland, especially in comparison to many western European countries.
Many people living in the major Polish cities will speak some English. Poland itself has a fascinating history and numerous tourism options. The public transportation system via bus, tram, metro, and train makes it easy to explore Poland and adds to the overall experience as a Mission Poland Intern. Using the highest standards of professional excellence and personal integrity, we focus our efforts in three priority areas: Security: As NATO allies, we seek to enhance our mutual security as well as regional and international stability; Prosperity: As commercial partners, we work to increase bilateral trade and investment that promote stable growth in both economies; and Democracy: As democratic societies, we cooperate to expand good governance and strengthen the rule of law within Bulgaria.
Embassy Budapest: Embassy Budapest would like to host five 5 interns. While duties vary with each section, all interns will receive valuable experience and make specific contributions while learning the nuts and bolts of the practice of diplomacy.
In the Consular section summer interns have an unmissable opportunity to get first-hand experience with U. At the same time, we pair interns with officers so they can experience firsthand the conduct of foreign affairs. In Public Affairs, interns will support a busy media section, focusing on social and online media, but also assisting with press and cultural engagement as needed. The intern would likely help with press events, daily press summaries and with organizing cultural events.
Regional Security Office interns will perform name checks online using Consular and RSO software, issue badges to newcomers, replace badges for recertified locally employed staff members and replace any worn or broken badges.
Interns will experience the security aspect of an Embassy first hand. Tri-Mission Brussels: The U. Tri-Mission Brussels is comprised of three distinct Missions, each with its own specific role.
The Embassy reports and analyzes developments in Belgium of concern to the United States, and advances a broad range of U. The Embassy promotes United States’ economic and commercial interests, and the export of American agricultural and industrial products and services, and otherwise assists American business, workers and investors. The Embassy engages the government and a broad range of organizations and individuals in Belgium to promote shared values.
Among others, these include individual freedom, human rights and democracy and the rule of law. An intergovernmental military alliance that emphasizes collective defense, NATO recently celebrated its 60th anniversary and has grown its membership to include 28 democratic countries throughout North America and Europe.
The relationship to the EU Presidency, which rotates every six months, is managed by the U. Mission personnel engage daily on issues as diverse as refugee crises, global health, management, international law, economic development, trade, the environment, arms control and human rights.
The fundamental job of the U. Mission to the United Nations and Related Agencies in Geneva is to protect the economic interests, national security and cultural and humanitarian values of the U. To do this, we interact with Geneva-based agencies through a combination of diplomacy, funding, and supervision.
Through interagency engagement across these three lines of effort, we can ensure that the Geneva-based multilateral system is as effective, transparent and accountable as possible. The work of all our staff, including Foreign Service Officers, locally employed staff, and interns, touches the entire world and enhances the reputation, security and prosperity of the American people.
Mission to the Netherlands: Diplomatic relations between the Netherlands and the United States go back to , which is the single longest unbroken diplomatic relation with the United States.
Candidates have two opportunities for internships at the U. The Embassy in The Hague promotes strong bilateral ties between the United States and the Netherlands and works actively to increase cooperation on counter terrorism, enhance U. It carries out these tasks by working with the Netherlands as a NATO and coalition partner; by promoting shared goals between the U. The Consulate General in Amsterdam provides assistance to American citizens residing in or visiting the Netherlands and visa services for temporary visitors and immigrants to the United States.
The Consulate General in Amsterdam also promotes our bilateral ties with the Netherlands in their capital region. Embassy Tbilisi: The U. Embassy in Tbilisi was established April 23, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Interns can analyze and report on significant events and trends in Georgian domestic politics elections, political parties, regional relations, media, human rights etc. Embassy Vilnius: The U. The Baltic region is on the frontline of both NATO and the European Union and interns here will gain in-depth knowledge of the important political and security roles played by Lithuania.
Consular interns help consular officers protect national security and promote legitimate travel to the United States by preparing validation studies on travel trends. Political-Economic section interns have the opportunity to assist Embassy staff in researching and drafting reports on a variety of issues including economic, energy, corruption, governance, international relations, human rights and minority issues. Public Affairs interns help to counteract disinformation campaigns and promote a positive image of the U.
Embassy Skopje: The capital of Macedonia is Skopje. It has a population of approximately , inhabitants. Skopje is a fairly small modern city that is becoming an important diplomatic center in the Balkans.
It plays a vital role in the cultural and academic life of the country because it is the political and economic center of Macedonia. It houses the headquarters of all state institutions and all major religious communities in the country. More than 1, shops, cafes, restaurants, and other services operate in and around the city.
Skopje provides opportunities for both indoor and outdoor sports. Soccer and basketball are popular for all ages. The city offers tennis courts, soccer stadiums, and basketball stadiums. Skopje’s Old Bazaar is located on the left bank of the Vardar River. Stretching over several blocks, it has long been an attractive part of town for artists and visitors.
Many poems have been written about the covered bazaar, which was once divided into 18 different bazaars, one for each traditional craft. However, with the passage of time, most crafts have died out and only a few expert craftsmen – shoemakers, goldsmiths, and coppersmiths – remain. Skopje is an important tourist center in the Balkans. In addition to the charming Old Town and the Kale Fortress on a hill overlooking the city, Skopje attracts guests for its rare cultural and historical monuments.
The Church of the Holy Savior St. Spas, located in the Old Town, is famous for its wood-carved iconostasis and icons from the 18th and 19th centuries. It also shelters the tom of Goce Delcev, the ideologist of the Macedonian National Liberation movement. Skopje has a rich cultural life, which includes concerts, theaters, cinemas, opera and ballets. Many festivals are held throughout the year in Skopje and other cities. Some of the other popular festivals include the Ohrid summer festival, the Struga poetry evenings, and various art festivals.
The political scene in Skopje has been very active the last few years, creating a dynamic environment for reporting. Interns will be directly involved in outreach and Diplomacy efforts within their sections at the Embassy. Housing is provided for interns in Skopje. The ideal candidate will have customer service skills to assist users in troubleshooting hardware and software issues. Duties will include installing and configuring software, workstations, printers and other peripherals as well as responding to user trouble tickets.
An intern in the office can expect to assist with various aspects of registrarial and collections management, including maintaining computer databases, constructing photography files, and inter-relational records in object, conservation, publicity and research files.
Additional relevant subject areas include American fine and decorative arts history, museum studies and library science, special collection management and archives. The office is also involved with collections registration, management and artwork conservation activities. Housed at the George P. Government agency employees involved in foreign affairs and encourages research and other studies of new and developing areas of foreign policy concerns.
FSI develops training materials for total curriculum including video and multimedia-based training courses. A critical function of FSI is to provide intensive instruction in over 60 languages, for Foreign Service Officers and other government employees assigned overseas.
LMS oversees the Leadership and Managing Training Continuum to ensure participation by Foreign Service and Civil Service employees and works with bureaus and overseas missions to improve organizational effectiveness and crisis management.
Diplomacy initiative. For additional background on our work, intern applicants can refer to www. In addition, SAIT provides training to users from other federal agencies and contractor employees on a reimbursement basis. It also offers guidance on the socio-cultural patterns, politics, economics, and international relations of world regions and individual countries.
Policy, Plans, and Operations PPO I2C2 The Interagency and International Coordination Cell I2C2 provides a forum and procedures for ensuring common situational awareness, exchanges of information, and collaborative planning between the Global Engagement Center GEC and interagency, international, and private sector partners concerning foreign disinformation and propaganda efforts against the U. S, our allies, and partner nations. Other tasks could include the review and collation of information, schedule and attendance of meetings and taking notes.
An intern that is IT savvy and familiar with the Microsoft Suite of products is desirable and one that is acquainted with the basics of analytical research would be a bonus.
The ideal intern for the NET Cell will bring knowledge and experience in digital community engagement, maintenance, and activation across a variety of social media platforms. GTM develops and administers personnel policies and procedures of the Department, including assignments, career development, employee relations and retirement programs for both Foreign and Civil Service.
The Bureau of Global Talent Management works to provide the Department of State with fast, fair, transparent, and compassionate service, and continually strives to serve the Department better. The staff works directly with the GTM Front Office to identify problems, brainstorm new policy initiatives, prepare for high-level decision making, and manage bureau-wide and department- wide human resources policies from inception to implementation.
It builds on existing GTM resources to strengthen and integrate human resources across the Department to better serve employees, enhance support to managers, and more efficiently use increasingly scarce HR resources.
Government agencies at U. Missions abroad. The office issues policies and regulations and operates automated systems to manage these programs. Foreign Service employees and their families about these programs.
As the Department adapts to new challenges in the 21st century, State Magazine will be there every step of the way, documenting and reporting on the work of those who advance U.
This mission requires a workforce with a diverse skill set that combines strong technical skills with the ability to think analytically and use Information Technology as a strategic tool. Applicants will have a unique opportunity to view the entire Department of State IT landscape and to interact with IT managers and professionals throughout IRM and other bureaus. Intelligence and Research INR. Drawing on all-source intelligence, INR provides value-added independent analysis of events to U.
State Department policymakers; ensures that intelligence activities support foreign policy and national security purposes; and serves as the focal point in the State Department for ensuring policy review of sensitive counterintelligence and law enforcement activities around the world. The Bureau of Intelligence and Research also analyzes geographical and international boundary issues.
INR analysts focus primarily on supporting diplomats and diplomacy with a wide range of information and analyses. INR is also the U. Government USG leader for foreign public opinion research and analysis. Intelligence Policy and Coordination INR coordinates between the Department of State and the IC to ensure that intelligence activities—collection and operations—support and are informed by foreign policy.
Within the State Department, INR coordinates policy review of sensitive intelligence, counterintelligence, and law enforcement activities to ensure that they are consistent with foreign policy interests.
INR also runs INRtalks: an audio-video program that directly engages these experts at the request of policymakers and analysts. For more information on offices within the Bureau of Intelligence and Research click here.
INL monitors the narcotics and crime control programs of different countries; plans, implements, and oversees international narcotics and crime control activities; negotiates cooperative agreements with foreign governments; and represents the United States at the United Nations, and other International Organizations on narcotics and crime matters.
It is also the principal go-between linking the bureau to other bureaus within the Department and to other federal agencies and departments. Government interagency and international partners to build the capacity of host-nation justice systems to prevent or eliminate transnational crime, strengthen governance and prevent conflict as part of the U.
International Organizations IO. The Bureau of International Organization Affairs, domestically and through its seven missions, develops and implements U. Our mission is to enhance U.
Government representation consists of those whose presence and participation reflect the highest possible value to U. This includes active engagement on issues ranging from protecting civilians from lethal violence to counter-terrorism sanctions.
G-7 ; coordinates U. The office also serves as the headquarters of the executive secretariat of the U. Also responsible for coordinating interdiction, sanctions and associated export controls, and direct diplomacy with missile-possessing and technology- supplying countries.
Develops and supports strategic dialogues with India, Pakistan, and China. Legislative Affairs H. The Bureau of Legislative Affairs H coordinates legislative activity for the Department of State and advises the Secretary and their team on legislative strategy. H facilitates effective communication between the diplomatic professionals of the State Department and Members of Congress and their staffs. H manages Department testimony before House and Senate hearings, organizes Member and staff briefings, and facilitates Congressional travel abroad for Members and staff.
For details about each directorate, please visit our site. The NEA manages U. They provide assistance to reformers to create foundations for sustainable economic and human growth. OES also represents the Department in international negotiations and interagency policy working groups and committees. OES provides foreign policy guidance and coordination to international organizations that share bureau equities, and sees that such activities are designed and implemented in a manner that advances U.
ENC helps address international threats to biodiversity and ecosystems, such as land degradation, invasive species and illegal trade, as well as issues associated with the safe handling of living modified organisms and access to genetic resources. ENV advances sustainable development goals internationally through multilateral organizations within the UN system and elsewhere.
IHB brings together international stakeholders to promote strategies and policies which strengthen global health, enhance bio-security, and respond to global health crises. The office manages and oversees more than 55 bilateral science and technology agreements and 2, sub-agreements currently in force, which collectively lay the ground rules for science engagement, including the protection of intellectual property.
Through the Global Innovation through Science and Technology GIST initiative, the office helps direct the technical expertise of young scientists and engineers toward peaceful, commercial applications and opens U. The office also deploys pre-eminent U.
These American scientists leverage their expertise, knowledge, and professional networks to increase the reach and influence of the United States. The Office of eDiplomacy uses innovative new media tools to provide creative, lightweight, and user-friendly solutions that are easily adaptable to region-specific needs and job functions.
Office of Foreign Assistance Resources F. The Director of U. Government approach to foreign assistance. The office provides leadership, coordination and strategic direction within the U. Government and with external stakeholders to enhance foreign assistance effectiveness and integrates foreign assistance planning and resource management across State and USAID.
They develop and defend foreign assistance budget requests and allocate State and USAID foreign assistance funding to meet urgent needs and new opportunities and to ensure long-term sustainable investments.
Finally, they promote good stewardship of foreign assistance funds by strengthening oversight, accountability and transparency. OFM also provides the legal foundation to facilitate secure and efficient operations of U. There are several divisions that provide administrative, financial, procurement, and management analysis activities, as well as information systems technologies within OFM. This is accomplished via a central staff in Washington, D.
The Office of the Chief Economist OCE provides the Secretary of State with objective economic analysis and advice on the development and implementation of a wide range of strategic international economic policy issues.
OCE is designed to serve as an analytical resource for the whole Department, and to our embassies and consulates overseas. In addition, OCE promotes economic capacity building and works to amplify our economic and commercial outreach.
OIG inspects each of the approximately embassies, diplomatic posts, and international broadcasting installations throughout the world, to determine whether policy goals are being achieved and whether the interests of the United States are being represented and advanced effectively. OIG also audits Department and BBG operations and activities to ensure that they are as effective, efficient, and economical as possible.
Finally, OIG investigates instances of fraud, waste, and mismanagement that may constitute either criminal wrongdoing or violation of Department and BBG regulations. For more information, see the STAS website: www. Office of the Secretary of State S. The Office of the Secretary is made up of several other offices that provide support and assistance for the Secretary of State and the missions of the Department as a whole.
While the Watch responds to breaking news, CMS handles longer-term planning for and supports the response to possible crises around the world. CMS specializes in monitoring crises worldwide, promoting contingency planning and emergency preparedness, and supporting interagency evacuation planning and implementation.
Intern duties include monitoring regional developments, assisting task forces, and handling special projects. Graduate-level students are encouraged to apply. The board must resolve the tensions that sometimes develop between the need to protect employee rights and the desire to enhance Foreign Service efficiency. The major function of the board is to provide a forum for the fair review and adjudication of grievance appeals.
The board also has jurisdiction over labor management implementation disputes and certain retirement annuity pension claims. Its decisions generally are binding on the grievant and the agency alike, subject only to judicial review. Office of the U. Additional information about the Office of the U. They also launch new projects, searching for solutions while also providing training and technical assistance for future projects.
The office works closely with its partners to plan and implement projects—avoiding duplication, learning from each other, and maximizing our impact by looking for best practices. Government engagement with Haiti, including diplomatic relations and the implementation of a reconstruction strategy in partnership with the Government of Haiti and other donors. This includes directing a complaints processing program which addresses complaints of discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, sexual orientation, disabling condition, or prior statutory, constitutionally protected activity.
The office also advises the Secretary of State and senior Departmental managers on affirmative action and diversity issues and develops and implements policies and procedures to eliminate barriers to equal employment opportunity.
Some of the main tasks of this office include undertaking broad analytical studies of regional and functional issues. This office also takes the lead on certain issues as tasked by the Secretary of State and engages functional and regional bureaus within the Department and relevant government agencies to ensure coordination and integration of policy with longer-term objectives.
They hold policy planning talks with major allies and act as liaison to the non-governmental, think-tank and academic communities. The policies of the Department of State are articulated through members of staff from this office. The Office of the U. Government community.
Through its extensive program of new construction, facility rehabilitation, and operations programs, OBO provides safe, secure, and functional living and working space for the thousands of men and women who represent the United States and perform the important work of diplomacy.
Since , OBO has constructed over 56 new facilities and has moved more than 17, personnel into safer structures, and many more new facilities are either in the design or construction phase. Political-Military Affairs PM.
The PM Bureau provides policy direction in the areas of international security, security assistance, military operations, defense strategy and plans, and defense trade. The Department of State is responsible for the export and temporary import of defense articles and services governed by 22 U.
These programs and functions build partnerships and foreign policy expertise in matters pivotal to both DOS and DoD. The end result is that both agencies more efficiently and effectively advance U. PRM develops and implements U. The office advances U. PRM also administers the U. The office develops and implements bureau initiatives on strategic global priority issues including refugee women, refugee children, gender-based violence and broader protection issues as they relate to the multilateral system.
Government, manages the U. Offices of Refugee Assistance: The Offices of Refugee Assistance are broken up based on respective geographical areas. Public Affairs PA. The bureau also provides guidance and direction to the Department on the communication of foreign policy. The Office focuses on managing and providing technical and development support for www. USDC is dedicated to exploring and engaging the public in the history, practice, and challenges of diplomacy and the work of the Department of State.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:. The majority of interns received a stipend award, but there are some volunteer opportunities noted in project descriptions. Interns are responsible for making their own housing arrangements.
This includes locating their own housing options and paying for their housing. You will be able to view the available opportunities for the specified session and centers. You must complete an application for each opportunity to be considered.
There are filters available to help you locate specific projects that meet your skill set and desired geographic location or virtual.
Because our current application system is designed to meet the needs of many STEM engagement opportunities, it requires this question be answered before you can move to the next page. Please feel free to provide a recommender or use your personal email address to circumvent the requirement.
Thanks for your patience. GOV to request a password reset. Selections may occur any time after you submit your application. You will be contacted if you are considered for a project. Applicants for this internship must be U.
Citizens and meet a minimum 3. These paid internships are offered across NASA facilities in fall, spring, and summer sessions. One application is viewed agencywide. OSTEM interns may receive a stipend based on academic level and session length.
Prior experience is not required. Opportunities are available at the high school, undergraduate, graduate, and educator levels. To learn more or apply, click here. Pathways interns gain valuable work experience and professional development. Paid federal civil servant opportunities with benefits are offered across most NASA facilities. Student researchers are exposed to NASA’s innovation-oriented culture and facilities.
Fellows participate in prestigious conferences and a Center Based Research Experience. Fellowships support academic institutions by enhancing graduate learning and development. Students work in a global environment and on multicultural international missions. Projects are available for fall, spring, and summer sessions. International internships are open to citizens of participating countries holding agreements with NASA.
Andrea immigrated to the U. Jonathan’s message to all students, especially Native Americans, is: “If I could do it, you can too. If you need to, take small steps, but be sure to take those steps forward and remain focused.
You never know what amazing things you’re capable of until you try. NASA has completed Fall 22 placements. Spring 23 placements will not be made until Nov. Deadline for Spring applications is Nov. For the optimal chance of being considered for Spring, please submit your application by Nov. Spring session begins January Interns who are selected will be required to travel to a NASA facility to be badged even if the project is virtual or remote.
NASA interns typically work during the hours of 8 a. NASA follows guidelines from federal, state, and community officials regarding pandemic-related requirements. Protecting the health and safety of team members and staff is our primary priority. What are the eligibility requirements? Candidates must: Be a U. Have a cumulative 3. Be a full-time student high school through graduate-level.
Be a minimum of 16 years of age at the time of application no exceptions. Undergraduate and graduate students must be enrolled full-time in a degree-granting program at an accredited college or university. Educators are also eligible to apply. I have completed my undergraduate degree and am transitioning to graduate school. Am I eligible during this gap period?
If you have completed your undergraduate degree and are enrolled in graduate school the following semester, you are eligible for an internship during the gap period.
When do internships take place, and when should I apply? Pathways Intern. What are the eligibility requirements for Pathways? Candidates must meet the following requirements: Be a U. Be at least 16 years of age. Be enrolled or accepted for enrollment on at least a half-time basis in an accredited educational institution and maintain enrollment at least half time as defined by the institution.
Be pursuing a degree or certificate. Currently have and maintain a cumulative 2. Meet any other requirements described in the announcement, such as specific educational requirements. Where and when are Pathways opportunities announced? All of our job postings can be found on USAJobs. Application windows for the Pathways Intern Program open in the spring and fall each year. Our application windows open three times per year—typically around February, April, and September.
In order to be ready to apply, you can visit USAJobs. Are Pathways interns paid? The starting pay for Pathways interns varies depending on academic hours completed, position location and grade level s of the position being filled. Pathways interns are promoted on the basis of academic hours completed and performance ratings.
In addition to pay and valuable work experience , you may receive the same benefits as a permanent employee. This includes health, life, dental and vision insurance, retirement plan, paid leave, holidays and more.
Pathways internship usa jobs nearly famous
The Internship Program provides students enrolled in a variety of academic fields with paid opportunities to work in agencies and explore federal careers while. ICE will post Pathways Programs (Internship and Recent Graduate) opportunities on as they become available. We offer three types of developmental opportunities, collectively known as “Pathways Programs:” internships for current students, the Recent Graduates.
Pathways internship usa jobs nearly famous.Pathways Programs
Specific positions will be posted here when the application window opens. For specific inquiries on all Pathways Programs, please contact pathways state. Pathways Programs. Pathways Internship Programs. Both programs are targeted toward U. Both programs provide students with opportunities to explore Federal careers while being paid for the work performed.
Learn More. Recent Graduates Program. Programs First Column Second Column The Recent Graduates Program targets recent graduates of trade and vocational schools, community colleges, universities, and other qualifying educational institutions or programs.
To be eligible, applicants must apply within two years of degree or certificate completion. Successful applicants will be placed in a one-year career development program. The Program focuses on developing a cadre of potential government leaders. Go to Top. The U. The Recent Graduates Program targets recent graduates of trade and vocational schools, community colleges, universities, and other qualifying educational institutions or programs.
Which Office is Right for You? – Careers.
The Pathways program offers current students and recent graduates paid internships that are direct pipelines to full-time employment at NASA upon graduation. Click on the links below to see jobs from the RSS feed of Part-Time Job Roles posted by location on Handshake from employers seeking students for in-person. We offer three types of developmental opportunities, collectively known as “Pathways Programs:” internships for current students, the Recent Graduates.