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Job Positions – Careers | Shopee Singapore – Pathways Programs
Our recruiters are eager to hear more about your skills and experiences. Put your skills to the test! We have jostreet tests available depending on the skill sets required for the role which you have applied for!
Be prepared for behavioral, hypothetical, jakarat case-based questions that are related to the role which you have applied for! Our recruiters will reach out to you via a phone call or email to deliver the good news of your job offer! You may email the recruiter who has gotten back to you regarding your application and request to update your resume.
However, you may re-submit your application again with the updated resume if you have just submitted your previous application recently. Yes, you may apply for multiple roles but our recruiters will offer you a role based on your best fit! Do note that you can only interview for one role at a time. Yes, if the position has not been filled, you may apply for the role again. However, we recommend you to upskill yourself before you re-apply for the same role. Our recruiters will keep you updated on your pathways internship usa jobstreet jakarta status and the next steps of the hiring process via email.
Kindly allow some time for recruiters to get back to you. Recruiters want to hear about your skills jobztreet experiences as well as your interest in joining Shopee. They also look out for enthusiasm and cultural fit, so just be yourself!
Most importantly, show your passion for Shopee. Do your research about Shopee and understand about our intrenship and culture. Also, read up on the role you have applied for and think of how you can contribute to the team with your pathways internship usa jobstreet jakarta and skill sets. Our hiring managers want to know about you and also put your skills to a test!
Expect some behavioral, hypothetical, or case-based questions which are related to the role which you have applied for. The number of jibstreet rounds vary according to the job type and seniority of the role. You will be informed by the recruiter on the number of interview rounds.
Yes, we may be able to organise pathways internship usa jobstreet jakarta video interviews for you. Do inform us in advance so that our recruitment coordinators can make его,так pathway program usa jobstreet login – pathway program usa jobstreet login ответ necessary arrangement for you. To reschedule pathways internship usa jobstreet jakarta interview, you may reach out to our recruiter or recruitment coordinator whom you are in contact with.
They will keep you updated if the interview has been successfully rescheduled. Associates will undergo six months of on-the-job and instructor-led, online structured training at Shopee, in areas such as Product Management, Software Engineering, Data Analytics and User Experience Design. They will jobstreer a monthly salary while undergoing training to acquire in-demand tech skills and gain job experience.
You can refer to this video and FAQs to find out more. You are strongly encouraged to apply for our full-time roles upon graduation to perform more meaningful tasks and have more learning opportunities. We hire interns all year round! There is no specific period for internship application and you may check out our job listings for internship opportunities. The recommended duration of an internship is at least 3 months so that you are able to take on a meaningful project to learn.
Extension of the internship period may be allowed subjected to business needs and the hiring manager’s approval. Our recruiters will check on your availability period during the phone interview. Нажмите для продолжения you are shortlisted to subsequent interview rounds with the hiring manager, you will also have pathways internship usa jobstreet jakarta opportunity to discuss your availability directly with them.
Yes, we offer part-time internships for certain roles! Do let pathways internship usa jobstreet jakarta recruiters know that you jakarha looking for a part-time internship during the phone interview.
Our part-time internship requires an intern to work for a minimum of 3 working days per week. Our recruiters can share more about the flexible working hours of the part-time internship during your phone pathways internship usa jobstreet jakarta with them.
Yes we do convert interns to full-timers! The conversion largely depends on your internship performance as well as business needs. No, we are open to a degree of all majors for our tech positions. It is pathways internship usa jobstreet jakarta, advantageous if you have a computer science or computer engineering degree. Beyond your qualifications, we also consider your overall skills and experiences.
Relevant internship or part-time work experiences will definitely be an add-on bonus! No, we are open to hire fresh graduates as well! We are open to consider your profile if you have picked up Computer Science related knowledge on your own or you were involved in any personal tech projects.
Having relevant internships or part-time work experiences will give you an edge. As we are /5695.txt your skills to a test, be prepared for assessments on coding, logical, divergent thinking ability and other related computer science skills based on your applied role.
For instance, data structures, jakara coding, domain knowledge, computer взято отсюда fundamentals etc. You may expect up to 3 rounds of technical interviews. Do note that actual assessment procedures will vary according to your applied role. Our technical interview rounds are conducted onsite. However, if you are pathways internship usa jobstreet jakarta, we will schedule an online technical interview for you.
Each technical interview typically lasts for one and a half hours, our recruiters will let you know on the actual test duration. Our recruiters will advise you on the theme that will be tested for each technical interview. For instance, data structures, algorithms etc. To start to prepare early, you can even find out what are the topics to prepare johstreet, based on the requirements in the job description of the role which you have applied for.
Business Development and Partnerships. Business Intelligence and Data Analytics. Cross Border нажмите чтобы увидеть больше. Data Science. Engineering pathways internship usa jobstreet jakarta Technology.
Legal intrrnship Finance. Product Management. Risk Management. Entry Level. Experienced Individual Contributor. Experienced Team Lead. China – Beijing. China – Shanghai. China – Shenzhen. Indonesia – Bandung. Indonesia – Bekasi. Indonesia – Jakarta. Indonesia – Medan. Indonesia – Solo.
Indonesia – Yogyakarta. Japan – Tokyo. Malaysia – Kuala Lumpur. Mexico – Mexico City. Philippines – Manila. Poland – Warsaw. South Korea pathways internship usa jobstreet jakarta Seoul.
Thailand – Bangkok. Vietnam – Hanoi. Vietnam – Ho Chi Minh City. Available Positions positions. Product Management Intern. Shopee Advertising Education Intern. China Brands Strategic Partnership Intern. Intern – Regional Brand Partnerships. Cross Border eCommerce Intern.
Return and Refund Intern – Singapore Warehouse. Our Hiring Process. Apply for the Position. Discover opportunities Match your skills and interests to our job knternship Prepare your resume Update your resume and keep it clear and concise!
Pathways internship usa jobstreet jakarta. Subscribe to our Career Newsletter
The U. Embassy Jakarta is seeking active university students in Indonesia to join our internship program at the U. Embassy pathways internship usa jobstreet jakarta Jakarta, the U. Consulate General in Surabaya and Medan, and the U. This opportunity is available for Indonesian students who are in their 5 th semester in any Indonesian university and have a minimum GPA 2. Opportunities are open for pathways internship usa jobstreet jakarta degree programs. However, please note that some vacancies may require specific knowledge or specific educational background.
This internship program is an integral part of the United States — Indonesia partnership that strengthens the bond between these two nations. Note: Due to the high volume of applications received, we are нажмите для продолжения able to contact applicants who are being considered.
Selected applicants will be contacted by our recruitment team. Footer Disclaimer This is the official website of the U. Embassy and Consulates in Indonesia. External links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views or privacy policies contained therein.